Walker, Louisiana
Similar to their other locations around the country, Martin-Brower chose CivilSmith, LLC to assist them with this important project from concept to construction.  CivilSmith was brought in early to assist Martin-Brower during their site selection process where we studied multiple locations near the Baton Rouge area for potential rail service to a new regional facility.  A greenfield site was selected in Livingston Parish that is served by Canadian National.

CivilSmith worked closely with Martin-Brower’s civil/site engineer to develop rail layout options to meet the client’s needs for efficient rail service to its three proposed rail doors.  Specifically, Martin-Brower wanted to have the ability to receive up to six rail cars at a time and then to be able to move their own cars by utilizing a capstan car puller systems.    Because of CN’s increased unit train rail traffic along this corridor, the rail design required considerations of bi-directional rail service as well as the ability to clear a local switcher off of the mainline with a one-half mile siding.

CivilSmith coordinated the rail design efforts with the civil/site engineer as well as the general contractor to develop detailed rail plans for CN’s review and approval process.  CivilSmith also provided guidance and recommendations to Martin-Brower for the capstan car puller system based on a coordinated effort with the carpuller vendor to include rail car dimensions, rail car weights, track geometry, and possible capstan arrangements.

  Civil/Site Design:  Alvin Fairburn & Associates

  Track Construction:  STX Corporation

Interactive Aerial Imagery (Google Earth)

Project Photo Gallery

Construction Phase
Before Construction

Martin-Brower's Greenfield Site and CN Mainline Prior to Construction

Before Construction

Completed Mainline Turnout and Rail Siding at East End

Before Construction

Completed Mainline Turnout and Rail Siding at West End

Before Construction

Double-Ended Spur for Bi-Directional Rail Switching

Before Construction

Rail Door System Meeting CN Clearance Requirements

Before Construction

Capstan Carpuller System